Saturday, October 4, 2008

Watch and Learn

All things considered, Usher's song "Trading Places" leaves a bit to be desired. The lyrics **are, well, pedestrian and cliche ("Gonna pay for dinner/take me to a movie/And whisper how bad/you really wanna do me"? Lord, have mercy). As for the video, it's raunchy, racy, and riqsue. And guess what?

I love it.

I can't even talk about it. It's I'd like to...boy, oh, boy. And of course I totally watched it in class today.

**Except for this line: "You order Chinese food right before you do me." Pepper steak and a poke? Oh, if only.


Amber Steez said...

girl isnt that video sexy. if i was that girl. i know his wife was up in there trippin. but i get to see him in like 3 weeks. concert in the Chi. I'll keep u posted.

Lucky said...

Ok? I know Tameka damn near had a stroke, professionalism be damned! I know "Ursher" puts on a great show, be sure to tell us how it went!