Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life's Questions

If you had to choose...
  • ...between being a bad person and only attracting bad people, which would you choose?
  • be crazy-stylish and beautiful but never attract anyone or being ugly, with an ugly partner and never considered attractive to anyone ever again, which would you choose?
  • be forever single but always surrounded by happy couples, or be with someone who you always suspected was cheating on you?
Ms. Politics, Cali Girl, and I went to the club last night. We decided that unless a girl is a) gorgeous of face, 2) dreamy of figure, or c) trashy of attire, chances are she will leave feeling like there is an LOSER sign stamped on her forehead. Oh, she may have had a great time dancing to "Single Ladies," "My President is Black," and "This is How We Do It." She may have even found someone to dance with during the "Bump and Grind"** and "Chopped and Screwed" portion of the evening. But, later on, in the car, on the way to Waffle House, she will be slightly lonely (and COLD). Because the club is essentially the one place where men can make it painfully obvious that only the pretty, bodacious, or slutty need apply. It's like the forest in A Midsummer Night's Dream where all bets (chivalry, and rules) are off. Interesting.

**This song makes me want to do bad, bad things. It's SO cheesy but vintage R. Kelly is that GOOD good. Get into it.**

Sidenote: I am the total hobag who cannot dance alone during the "slow jams" section. Whatever. I accept full responsibility. However, when I do so, a proper dance partner would be nice. One of my pet peeves is when you are slow dancing [grinding] on a guy who won't dance with you but instead just wants you to dance against him, you know? He motions like he's dancing but is actually forgetting that crucial element of MOVEMENT. Like you are giving him a standing-up lap dance. I mean, I'm not trying to make love in the club or anything but damn! I wanted to turn around and scream, "YOU ARE WHACK." But instead I took the high road.

As far as weekends go, this one was kind of exuberant. It took me all day to recover. And guess what? Hopefully we can do it again...

PS: All funny club stories are welcome in the comments!


The Brooklyn Boy said...

Can't hate on "Bump and Grind" -- that joint is classic. Also, Montell Jordan is performing during one of my squad's upcoming games. I've got friends ALL OVER those tickets, ha.

Amber Steez said...


between being a bad person and only attracting bad people, which would you choose?
i SAY ATTRACT BAD PEOPLE. EVENTUALLY SOMEONE GOOD WILL COME ALONG. TWO EVILS DONT MAKE ANY GOOD. be crazy-stylish and beautiful but never attract anyone or being ugly, with an ugly partner and never considered attractive to anyone ever again, which would you choose?
I DAMN NEAR FEEL LIKE IM ALREADY THE FIRST ONE. I DONT ATTRACT ANYONE GREAT AND I KNOW I CAN DRESS AND NOT UGLY. LOL NOT TO BE VEIN BUT ITS TRUE. be forever single but always surrounded by happy couples, or be with someone who you always suspected was cheating on you?

Lucky said...

BB: Every club I goes to absolutely turns to FIRE when those songs come on...loves it!

Amber: good answers, and I feel on already being "crazy stylish, beautiful, and ALONE."

'tis the plight of the fierce, I guess..

Jake said...

Funny club stories: my friend once pulled (UK slang for kissed/hooked up with) a girl in fancy dress as a smurf. The blue paint wouldn't come off his face for days...

Lucky said...

Jake: pure hilarity. Did he wear it as a badge of honor? Secretly I would!

So was the girl dressed like a sexy smurf or what?

Jake said...

Oh no, bless my housemate, but he doesn't have the best of luck with girls - she was far from being a sexy smurf! Hence the badge of honour thing not really being that applicable :D