Saturday, May 10, 2008

Over and Done

Ugh. I hate moving. Right now I'm cleaning out my dorm to get ready to put stuff in storage so we can hit the road bright-n-early Sunday. My dad and sisters came to town today, they waited for me for like 2 hours because my phone went dead. I felt horrible; my dad was so over me...

Went to see my possible future digs for next year, and I am quite stoked. It's a townhouse near Cali Girl and Sistah Girl's crib. My room is huge, with a monster queen-sized bed. I hope this works out; I'd love to live there!

Helped Top Chef move out today, along with our friend Malpractice (he's a bio major, lol). We had the last of our many "deep" conversations that we'll have for awhile :( but it was a nice last hurrah. We talked about this year's ups and downs and next year's expectations. Which, by the way, I'm learning not to have any of. Not in a negative way, though, just a real way. I'm idealistic by nature, though, so it might take a little work. Anyway, I'm gonna miss everyone. But this summer is much-needed, yo. I left him and The Boy* a big "goodbye!!" sign (which better still be on the fridge, TC!) so they wouldn't forget me, the unofficial roommate, LOL.

*"The Boy" will henceforth be known on this blog as "The Homeboy" or simply, "Homey. "The Boy" will be too generic of a nickname to call every guy I talk to, right? But hey, is that how you spell "homey"? Or is it "homie"? Well, y'all know what I mean. Now that I think about it, I didn't say goodbye to him. If you're reading this, Homie, (and somehow missed the sign, lol), peace in the Middle East. It was fun. Don't be a stranger. You probably warrant a more proper goodbye, but I'm exhausted. So insert witty parting line here.

Crudddddddddd. I'm tired, but not sleepy. And still have a whole lotta crap to sift through. It might have to wait until tomorrow morning, I can barely keep my head up. Now if only I could only unearth my bed from this mess! I went to donate books and clothes, and ended up taking 2 nail polishes and a muffin tin. A little counter-productive...

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