Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let's Play Jeopardy

A: A highly addictive television show that will no doubt lead to arguments, therapy sessions, and numerous billable hours spent in a divorce lawyer's office. Lucky's new vice.

Q: What is "The Moment of Truth."

In other news, there is a new cute boy on the paper for which I work. Pros: he's tall, light-ish, and he's from Texas. Cons: he's tall, light-ish, and he's from Texas. From field research, boys with those aforementioned qualities are nothing but trouble.

Surprisingly, though, today was a day in which most circumstances unfolded in my favor. I finally caved in and ordered "Barbershop 2," and today it came! Now if my textbooks would follow suit. I had lots to do today, and not much of it got done. Oh, I swept the floor and ordered yet another book, but my article for The [Online Start-Up] Magazine has yet to be written. I'm not incredibly enthused about writing it, though. That's not a good sign, but when am I ever gung-ho about first sitting down in front of a blank screen? Actually, it's better if I really like the subject of the article, but the first few words are always the scariest (and, arguably, the worst). So once again I'm hoping that I will again get a flash of inspiration and let the words flow poetically to be submitted to raving reviews by my editor. Hoping quite hard, actually, because it's due tomorrow...

Moving on, I painted my nails today, a bright, punchy pink that is the complete antithesis of Russian Navy. It makes me wish for the warm, sunny weather that pinkens my cheeks, makes me root around in my purse for a huge pair of sunglasses, ruffles the hem of my dress, tans my bare toes, brings out the brown in my hair, and calls for an abundance of watermelon, ice cream, open sunroofs and bathing suits.

Thankfully, tomorrow's finally Friday. This weekend, I want to go to Battle of the Bands so badly. My Childhood Friend from Tuskegee is going and I haven't seen him since the summer (no romance, dirty birdies. Him and his brother befriended me and my sister the summer before I started kindergarten, and we've all been tight ever since). Any bets on what the "featured song" is going to be? Last year, every band and their mom did "And I am Telling You," from the then-popular Dreamgirls. I wonder what ubiquitous song will grace this year's festivities? Probably something Beyonce. "Get Me Bodied" is my song, no shade...Of course that means there will be parties. Should be fun. Maybe tomorrow night I could enjoy a quiet evening with the Pistons, but I don't think they're on national TV. Boo. I miss my boys terribly, and their W-L record since I returned to Atlanta has suffered as well...

I might get into bed early tonight! Two nights ago, I had a massive amount of homework, and last night I had 1000 things to do online, plus I was in the middle of a book that I couldn't put down. Speaking of, I just finished it! Sex as a Second Language was really good, two thumbs up. Well, maybe 1 1/2 because I felt badly about reading a book with the word "sex" in the title whilst sitting in Sisters Chapel during this morning's convocation. But what can you do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey this is there a way to be friends with you on here? or....I donno how this one works.