Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bored and Musing

I feel like a bump on a log. I didn't get the job I interviewed for yesterday, so that sucked a little. And in my head, I had already spent my first paycheck. So it's back to the drawing board. I have a few possible gigs lined up, though, so 'tis not a major setback, just a slight disappointment. Now I'm sitting, bored, perched on a kitchen stool eating Italian-style lasagna. Speaking of which, even though I told my mom specifically that I was on a diet, she made some fettuchini-alfredo-chicken concoction for dinner. Nothing but cream, cheese, and shame. And you know what pissed me off the most? It was damn good.

While listening to my "Upbeat" playlist, I've gathered that the clean version of Lil' Wayne's "Lollipop" is just useless.

I did do my yoga today. I took a few days off because I got my hair done (the ever-constant struggle of a black woman), so today I got back on track. Yoga usually makes me zone out, or zen out, as the case may be, and sometimes it makes all my thoughts bubble to the surface. Today it was the latter. But because I was in such a calm state, recollections that would usually trouble me just sort of floated around and didn't do anything. If that makes sense at all...

Might be back later. Until then, keep it funky.


Bobby_2010 said...

When it tastes good, you knwo it's all over!!! I hate when they do that!!! But I'm glad you got back into your yoga...stay cool, calm, and collected...just Like BH Obama!!!!

Lucky said...

That's right, he made it rain on them hoes :)

K said...

Dont worry...I didnt get the job I interviewed for either. Two WONDERFUL bumps on a log!!!

Lucky said...

LOL! What job did you apply for?