Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I know this paper is not going to write itself...

It's getting down to the wire.

My Shakespeare paper is due tomorrow, and so far I have about, oh, 3 pages done out of 7-8. But I'm not worried yet. I saw my teacher today and she helped me organize my thoughts. So after this mini-break I'm taking, I will bust out a few more pages, then eat, then go visit Top Chef, write more, hopefully watch the Pistons Game 3 and finish this paper in a blaze of glory and fanfare. Jesus be a fence around my soul and let me get an A on this paper...

Even though I've been slightly insomnia-ridden lately, my mornings have been getting better. I'm moving on. I told Roommate and Sistah Girl that I might have to go on one of my infamous "sabbaticals." I take them once in awhile, when I need to clear my head (ok, it's usually post-guy of the moment). It consists of deep and meaningful conversations, slight soul-searching, music, uplifting words, and the like. More importantly, it does not consist of flirting, trolling Facebook for new cute boys, fantasizing about who'd be the better kisser among various celebrities, or commenting on the physiques of male passersby in any way. It's deep, y'all. It's detoxifying. It usually only lasts a week or so. It's also a running joke among my friends; to see how long I can last each time.

My sabbaticals are just a transitory period, of sorts, for me. They are "Lucky-time," to focus on no one but me and mine. And yes, I realize that the real meaning of a sabbatical is to completely disappear from sight for awhile, but I mean, come on. I'm not going into the nunnery. Although I do tend to imagine during this time, "maybe I'll just give my life over to my Lord and Saviour and become a missionary. No one expects missionaries to have boyfriends."

But that's just me being dramatic.


(vixenchick) said...

Good luck on the paper, baby girl!

Lucky said...

i turned it in today, with a sigh of relief...i'm finally done!

Anonymous said...

Yes, really. I agree with told all above. We can communicate on this theme. Here or in PM.